On Friday, the prime minister demanded corrective steps, and regulators began an investigation.
But even government officials acknowledge that the public outcry is mounting as doctors, ministers and politicians demand a rapid expansion of the nevirapine program.
Other ministers, led by the Iranians, were demanding that total production be sliced by a million barrels a day in an effort to raise prices.
The new minister demanded resignations from those officers involved in racketeering.
The ministers demanded that the many investigations that had cast a shadow on Ms. Hurt's 18-month tenure be quickly concluded.
Tezwa's minister of justice has demanded Minza's extradition.
The new minister demanded resignations from those officers involved in racketeering, taking a significant step towards the establishment of civilian control over the Ukrainian militia.
In the run-up to the last election, the prime minister demanded that his chancellor's forecasts were tailored to meet Labour's campaign needs.
Our foreign ministers have demanded a 'central' role for the United Nations.
A French minister has demanded that France should not allow this website to operate on French territory.