Alas, I have seen what large mining concerns do to the Bolivian landscape and it isn't a pretty sight!
While membership lagged at other mining concerns, the union counted 60 percent of its 245,000 members among Anglo American employees by 1987.
A small mining concern, with foreign backing, in mines that were already considered mined out.
They expected to have a successful mining concern to seize.
Elevator manager, and also the primary liason with the mining concerns.
In 1954/55, the group focused on acquisitions to restore the vertical integration by acquiring mining concerns.
Before that, she'd been steadily employed by various mining concerns and stations: after that, nothing.
Ropeway conveyors are typically found around large mining concerns, and can be of considerable length.
Except for territory immediately surrounding the mining concerns, there had been precious little of anything.
One of the mining concerns had identical standing orders in for the six corporations at the other three locations, as did the communications conglomerate.