Both of us had eidetic memories, of course, that being a minimum prerequisite for the job of interpreter.
The Advanced Worksite Traffic Management (AWTM) requires two years experience as a qualified TC as a minimum prerequisite, and must also be renewed after three years.
According to Dvaita, Brahmasuutras are a unit in themselves, and having devotion to Vishnu and detachment in regular materialism etc., form the minimum prerequisite.
"Indexing the minimum wage at $4.50 an hour is a minimum prerequisite to reaching the goal of lifting families of four with full-time workers out of poverty," he wrote.
The final number of hopefuls permitted to take part in the presidential race ultimately depends on which of the prospective candidates meets the presidential election commission's set of minimum prerequisites.
This program is a four year course of study following a minimum prerequisite of two years of pre-pharmacy study.
Holding firm on threats of sanctions is a minimum prerequisite for effective outside diplomacy.
Thus, uniformity of form and substance constitutes the second minimum legal prerequisite of a public bill of lading registry.
Joseph J. Ra, the Hempstead town attorney, said that traffic studies and an environmental review would be minimum prerequisites for the new building.
Unified approval rules throughout the EU are the minimum prerequisite for placing hydrogen powered vehicles on the market.