That group has drafted a model bill that would set minimum payouts for consumers - something New York rejected but Vermont has adopted.
The minimum payouts were £1,000 for answering five questions correctly and £32,000 for answering ten questions.
For example, the minimum payout in Nevada is 75%, and in New Jersey, 83%.
The minimum payout on basic models is $50 - a check for $19.50 and three certificates totaling $30.50 in rebates.
The minimum payout for each participating school is US$3.3 million.
In exchange for their participation in the game, each team received $700,000, the minimum payout required by the NCAA at that time.
Many of the terminals are fixed minimum payout as with all fruit machines.
The minimum payout is $25.
The minimum payout climbs steadily based on experience, until a 10-year veteran is guaranteed $810,000.
"Our minimum payout is 60 percent and our maximum is 80 percent" of face value, said Gerry Mandel, the company president.