Over the next few years attempts were made to start the program in Calgary but unfortunately failed to achieve the minimum enrollment necessary to sustain the program.
There had not been a minimum enrollment.
Long Island is one of six regional groups in the two-phase study, which is in the first stage of examining alternatives in districts with minimum enrollments of 1,200, 2,500 and 5,000.
And the committee has drafted guidelines that for the first time would set minimum enrollments: 400 students for elementary schools, 600 for middle schools and 800 for high schools.
He cited a college projection that Adelphi needed "a minimum enrollment of 5,535" last year, but had only 4,700 students.
There is no minimum enrollment, and classes are available for the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th quarters.
Virtually all appointment offers to adjunct professors are contingent upon meeting minimum enrollment, funding levels, or program continuation.
On April 24, 2012, SynCardia completed the minimum enrollment required by the clinical study.
Classes begin each Monday, and most schools recommend a minimum enrollment of four weeks.
Top aides to Schools Chancellor Rudy Crew said yesterday that he has rejected the idea of dictating minimum enrollments for small schools.