The Popo Agie Wilderness is a primarily sub-alpine and alpine region with the minimum elevation being 8,400 feet (2,600 m).
Lake Texcoco was the lowest-lying of all the lakes, and occupied the minimum elevation in the valley so that water ultimately drained towards it.
The "Mad Wolf" double climbed Andesite's eastern face and lowered Big Sky's minimum elevation 540 feet (165 m) to 6970 feet (2124 m).
The watershed is about 25 square miles, with a maximum elevation of about 800 feet and a minimum elevation of about 50 feet.
The key was that the Czech radar could not bend radio waves; its minimum elevation was two degrees, the same as the Qabala radar.
Mount Baldo reaches its maximum elevation of 2,218 m with the Valdritta, and its minimum elevation of 65 m on Lake Garda.
The minimum elevation is at 300 m above sea level (lake border) and the maximum at 584 m a.s.l. (Monte Landro), with a difference in level of 284 m.
The minimum elevation is 150 m, while the maximum is 3,083 above the sea level.
The north part of the town (known as 'Bridge') descends into the Vale of Lanherne, having a minimum elevation of approximately 165 ft (50 m).
It can be found in Java, at a minimum elevation of 850 meters and is very rare.