This is likely a result of the lawsuit and a wish to minimize liability.
Increasingly specified by environmental regulations, the methods are also applied voluntarily by many site owners as responsible environmental stewards and to minimize future liability.
But even if these proposals are enacted, they are unlikely to end the creativity of cab companies trying to minimize liability.
He argued that Mr. Karp's current efforts as acting chairman "are likely directed at minimizing personal liability."
A solicitor can advise on whether capital gains tax is payable, and on ways of minimising liability.
However, in the United States, similar to directors and officers, an exculpatory clause may minimize liability; although this was previously held to be against public policy, this position has changed.
Corporations may incorporate in foreign jurisdictions in order to minimize liability, taxes, or regulatory interference.
Safety-patrol members are taught how to properly place their defensive tactics onto the use of force continuum to ensure appropriate action and minimize liability.
What we will do at the symposium is to focus on how employers can establish preventive programs to assure compliance and minimize liability.
This program helps the medical treatment facility avoid the likelihood of equipment-related risks, minimize liability of mishaps and incidents, and stay compliant with regulatory reporting requirements.