Along with the likes of Billy Hull Herron was one of a handful of UDA leaders to be invited to meetings with Secretary of State for Northern Ireland William Whitelaw after the suspension of the Parliament of Northern Ireland in March 1972 in an attempt to minimise bloodshed.
To minimise bloodshed over religion in her dominions, the religious settlement between the factions of Rome and Geneva was brought about.
As one example, upon the conquest of Babylon itself, it's recorded that he paid homage at the temple of the Babylonian god Marduk - thereby gaining the support of the Babylonian people and minimizing further bloodshed.
The army is trying to minimize such bloodshed.
The Black Caribs actively harassed British settlers during the French occupation, at times requiring intervention of the French military to minimize bloodshed.
To minimize further bloodshed, Captain Porter volunteered to mediate between the Creek leaders and white army.
"The King has always urged Saddam Hussein to minimize bloodshed," the official said.
He believed that the revolutionaries should proceed cautiously so as to minimize bloodshed and should strike a deal with Díaz if possible.
The operation would be an amphibious landing of 3,000 troops en masse to minimise bloodshed.
The choice was logical when Bolan thought about it: a short flight to friendly territory, where the 14K and Mafia had forged a grim alliance, working hand in hand to keep the drugs and lira flowing, minimize potential bloodshed and advance Beijing's political agenda on the side.