Sure, but whatever they do to minimize bias is good.
This may sound like a radical idea, but many mainstream journalists accept the philosophical idea that pure "objectivity" is impossible, but still seek to minimize bias in their work.
To minimise potential bias, the study investigators set up the ventilators but were not involved in the clinical management of patients.
This ensures that awards are made according to international scientific standards and the presence of reviewers from many countries minimizes geo-political bias.
For the short term it implements new measures to minimize bias in procedures such as recruitment or promotion.
This minimises bias and simplifies analysis of results.
The cherry picking of published research to support a favoured view is contrasted with the systematic review designed to minimise such bias.
A variety of accents and writing styles have been presented in test materials in order to minimise linguistic bias.
A systematic review uses an objective and transparent approach for research synthesis, with the aim of minimizing bias.
To minimise bias of a particular algorithm to a fixed test set, new proteins were added to the test sets regularly.