Most women seem to pass through menopause with minimal discomforts or disruptions and seek no treatment.
In a few minutes, and with minimal discomfort, 5, 10 or more years can miraculously vanish from your face.
The patient leaves the office with minimal discomfort and returns to school or work the next day.
The injections take only a few minutes and cause minimal discomfort.
The full recovery period is typically 1-2 days with minimal discomfort and most people are able to go to work the next day.
She soon finds herself accepting cash from two of her older and more established boyfriends, with minimal discomfort.
"Nevertheless, the argument we'd make as a result of our research is that the euphemisms allowed business to be conducted with minimal discomfort."
This procedure is called an endometrial biopsy and can usually be done in the health care professional's office with minimal discomfort.
For the patient, minimal discomfort and pain is reported.
Laser treatments can remove large areas of unwanted hair with minimal discomfort.