Right near the little door were some old stalls of miniature size, which answered Margo's mental query.
The group are attacked by strange wooden creatures who shrink them to miniature size.
The disadvantage of having to recapture is offset by the miniature size to which archival loggers can be made.
It was powerful, despite its miniature size; the sort of glass that a watchmaker would use.
Reduced to miniature size, it would make a fine piggy-bank souvenir.
The men were filmed on over-scaled sets to simulate the miniature size of the creatures.
A week later Dowornobb held the helmet in his hands, fascinated by its miniature size.
This time he is defeated by Green Lantern, who uses his power ring to shrink the monster to miniature size and imprison him.
In one year, he completed two dozen icons, some as large as two by four feet, others of nearly miniature size.
The cottage shrank quickly to miniature size, and Glyneth carefully returned it to its box.