And she headed for the miniature kitchen in the corner.
In a miniature kitchen stocked with plastic foods, Erin Mitchell, a Rutgers sophomore, was helping aspiring cooks fix dinner.
Among those who had no reluctance was Tara Boozer, whose 3-year-old daughter, Caroline, was busy making waffles in the classroom's miniature kitchen.
There was no time for a shower; she pulled on loose trousers and shift, and made a beeline instead for the miniature kitchen.
Kaitlin is playing in a miniature kitchen, so Jeter casually crouches beside the 18-month-old and asks her what is in the refrigerator.
Against one wall was a miniature kitchen.
Deep within the eye-twisting maze of "Esher's Relativity" was a miniature kitchen.
Others buy miniature milk for miniature refrigerators in miniature kitchens.
The miniature kitchen, the sleeping alcove with its cloudlike futon.
The miniature kitchen contained a round table where the two ate dinner and Mr. Lewis did his homework.