For example, readers could order from a fragrance maker miniature bottles of scents to try.
From his camos, Alex produced two miniature bottles of vodka, the kind that airlines sold.
Coleman tapped the businessman on his left arm and held out a miniature bottle of vodka.
Maryalice was taking another miniature bottle from the little fridge.
He rummaged through the debris under the bar and extracted a miniature bottle of liquor.
For all other cuttings published a miniature bottle of Aberlour and £5 will be awarded.
South Carolina is the only state to require restaurants and bars to serve liquor from the miniature bottles used most often by commercial airlines.
She regularly comes to work hungover and keeps miniature bottles of vodka in her desk.
The top of the little fridge was covered with empty, miniature bottles.
One of the regular guests would always order miniature bottles of liquor.