The square is used for frequent cultural events and there is also a mineralogical museum.
It's one of the biggest mineralogical museums in the world.
The mineralogical museum of Norway and Greenland in Copenhagen furnished the material for the research.
For a short period he served on the Geological Survey of Austria, and as assistant in the mineralogical museum at Vienna.
From the date of its foundation the university was equipped with a two department library, a mineralogical museum, chemical, mechanical and probe laboratories, and offices for each discipline.
There is even a modest mineralogical museum.
Miass has a rich mineralogical museum, as it is close to the Ilmensky Mineral conservation area.
On 18 September 1999, the mineralogical museum of the mine, where guarded treasures had been accumulated since 1966, was plundered by thieves benefiting from the confusion.
Along with his son Bruce, Oreck has donated money and specimens to several mineralogical museums and exhibits.
He then became assistant in the Vienna mineralogical museum.