It grows in moist, mineral-rich soil around hot springs.
A primo vino location, mineral-rich soils and a moderate microclimate: the perfect recipe for viticultural success!
The vineyard is located on an alluvial fan near the northern end of Napa Valley, and features cobbly, mineral-rich soils.
The large root system of the old trees extends deep into the mineral-rich soil and gives the 'Phongsali Tea' its specific aroma and taste.
They prefer mineral-rich, sandy soils.
Lithalsa is a frost-induced raised land form in permafrost areas with mineral-rich soils, where a perennial ice lens has developed within the soil.
It also ingests mineral-rich soil, e.g. from a clay lick, as a supplement.
Moreover, as the Lower Keuper often has loess, this has created mineral-rich, arable soil easy to work with sufficient moisture.
Their mineral-rich soils attract savannah animals including elephants and bushbucks.
It thrives on alkali flats and other mineral-rich soils.