A memorandum of understanding was signed to facilitate further exploration of mineral development of the state.
Later, before becoming senator, he was appointed adviser to Sindh chief minister for mineral development.
Such lands cannot be allocated for unrelated activities (which might include oil, gas, and mineral development or tourism) without the consent of the indigenous peoples.
They set out policies for future mineral development and often contain useful information about past and current mineral working in the area.
In practice most permissions for mineral development have conditions attached which are designed to control their impact on the environment.
Nonwhites will have a major role in setting the terms for mineral development, including the search for oil and gas.
However, there is concern over possible deforestation, and environmental loss from mineral development.
The 1970s were a time when Wyoming, and particularly Campbell County, were experiencing growth in mineral development.
Previous criteria used to test whether mineral developments should be permitted in these special areas applied to all proposals not just those deemed 'major development'.
"Finally, about 53,000 acres are most threatened by subsurface mineral development, but Interior would not acquire the the subsurface rights," the study said.