Macrocalcifications are larger deposits of the mineral calcium, and are most likely caused by aging of the breast arteries, old injuries, or inflammation.
In Asia, the mineral calcium, in the form of supplements or antacids, has been widely known to dispel the commonly experienced sleep myoclonus, or hypnic jerk, and also restless leg syndrome.
The primary component of strong bone tissue is the mineral calcium.
This means taking in an adequate amount of the bone-building mineral calcium, preferably from food and if not, through supplements: 1,000 milligrams a day before menopause and 1,500 milligrams after.
Vince Calder Laura, Milk contains the mineral calcium.
Calcium-alpha-ketoglutarate (CHCaO-HO) is a mineral calcium in a special form to help normalize concentrations of ordinary calcium in the body.
Sesame seeds are a surprising source of the bone-building mineral calcium, great news for folks who have trouble tolerating dairy products.
For instance, the mineral calcium keeps bones strong and helps to prevent low bone density and fractures.
The mineral calcium is well-known for its key role in bone health.