Debarking, the aspiring miners travelled overland for weeks to Mazatlán, where they would embark from the port to arrive in San Francisco in another four to five weeks.
In those early days miners and settlers traveled hundreds of miles by horse or coastal boat to Perth to spend their money and fuel the city's first boom.
Before these baths were built, miners would travel to work, work their shift and return home in the same clothes.
According to Emperor's analysis, in three years, every "wannabe merchant, miner and explorer" will travel right through Lupus Cluster, where they will be slaughtered en masse by one or other Talamein faction.
Three times since the fall of Communist dictator Nicolae Ceausescu in December 1989, miners from the Jiu Valley have traveled to the capital to stage demonstrations that have turned violent.
Although coal miners lived in the village, there was never a mine at Barlestone, the miners travelling to pits in Bagworth, Coalville or Newbold Heath.
After Wada spread the word about the gold being discovered, many miners who had not already left for the Nome Gold Rush traveled to Fairbanks.
Company stores became scarce after the miners bought automobiles and could travel to a range of stores.
Except in very remote areas, company stores became scarcer after the miners bought automobiles and could travel to a range of stores.
Gregory and other miners later traveled to Washington to meet with President Warren G. Harding.