There is no denying that the miners suffered a humiliating defeat, but was this true of the wider trade union movement?
BC also pledged that miners would not suffer financially if they decided against taking early voluntary redundancy in order to await the outcome of the talks.
Many miners suffered under the harsh conditions, but for a few, their finds made the hard work worthwhile.
During the Great Depression, miners unionized in 1946 and suffered through their first strike.
They chose not to; the miner suffered a slow and horrible death.
Many miners working in Park City suffered from silicosis, also known as "miners' consumption", the disease that killed Mary's husband John at the age of 48.
The winter of 1910-11 was particularly cold, and the miners and their families suffered tremendously.
Radon is a breakdown product of uranium, and miners exposed for years to high levels of it suffered higher rates of lung cancer than the general population.
Two miners were suffering from silicosis, one of whom also had pneumonia, and others were suffering from dental infections and corneal problems.
But miners don't suffer alone.