No wonder the mindless masses believed the ONLY phone to buy was in iPhone, Blackberry or Android device.
Forget the stodgy stores of yesteryear, pedestrian places catering to the mindless masses.
Governments, churches, the media, and the mindless masses feared that nanomachines might somehow get loose and cause unstoppable plagues or, worse, might be turned into new genocidal bioweapons.
This may account for his portrayal of the proles as more or less mindless masses ill-equipped to rebel.
The 49-foot destructive giants drew vast crowds and the conniving power hungry suits soon saw yet another way to exploit the mindless masses with industrialized combat performances known as Limited War.
And I will do so consciously, not instinctively like the mindless mass of alien tissue embedded in me.
As he had fired his weapon into the mindless mass of humanity, it had come to him, how wrong it was.
I enjoy much of the über-pop that appeals to the mindless masses (Lady Gaga comes to mind), but you won't find many albums with blockbuster sales on my top 100 list.
Rock never depended in the "suits" for validation and will continue to do well where it matters, not in this type of show for the mindless masses.
The Chinese on Venus want their enemies to believe they use only mindless masses and can conquer by sheer numbers and rocket inundations.