Steve Davis was mind-numbingly boring, but thought himself to be an interesting character.
Computer Gaming World similarly felt that the limitations of the PlayStation carried over in the PC port, rendering the latter's visuals "mind-numbingly boring".
Haines has a habit of stating the obvious and frequently baffles Jeremy with his mind-numbingly boring observations as they sit on patrol in the hope that a crime may occur.
This required the performance of many routine calculations by hand, which he found mind-numbingly boring, leading him to dream of doing them by machine.
The biggest problem, they said, is that space travel as practiced and portrayed is elitist, autocratic and mind-numbingly boring.
A young man from New Zealand stuck in a seemingly endless loop of mind-numbingly boring retail jobs.
Christmas turkey is one object of odium - "a mind-numbingly boring bird" - and cottage cheese another.
This week's Spin is all about Jonathan Trott and his mind-numbingly boring batting.
As a pop album, there is no escaping its major drawback: it is mind-numbingly boring.
The rest of the curriculum is mind-numbingly boring.