My tired mind groped for some consolation and finding none produced its own remedy.
The best minds in America would invent schools that "break the mold" and produce world-class students.
One can only imagine what his mind will produce in the coming decades!
"My mind suddenly produced a picture," he says: a girl dressed as the Virgin Mary for a church play.
For in great men, the mind can produce giant spectres of great power.
The number and variety of frustration dreams his mind could produce on this subject were simply astounding.
His mind suddenly produced a memory picture of Jenny in a red dress, vital, laughing, bubbling with energy.
That was the only thing his befuddled mind could produce on short notice.
Can the mind produce, discontinue, or change anything, but by an act of the will?
Evelyn's active mind produced many other works, and although these have been overshadowed by the famous Diary they are of considerable interest.