Ballesteros is building a new home, a million-dollar mansion on a mountain overlooking the former farm where he grew up in Pedrena, Spain.
"It doesn't matter whether you are talking about a million-dollar mansion or a studio apartment," said Mr. Davis.
IN many parts of the country, developers are buying up older homes, tearing them down and building million-dollar mansions in their place.
She wouldn't be living in a million-dollar mansion.
He and his wife live in a million-dollar mansion in Atlanta that is owned by the church.
The principle of the mortgage-interest cap is long established; if you can't afford a million-dollar mansion on your own money, don't buy one.
Dyker Heights is a small neighborhood of cozy row houses, million-dollar mansions and a few apartment buildings.
People are losing $30,000 co-ops, and others have lost million-dollar mansions.
It's a shock to be living in a million-dollar mansion one month and the next find yourself under a roof of mud and cow dung.
The Legislature approved the million-dollar mansion after the governor made clear that he would also favor public works projects that might benefit the legislators' districts.