She ascribes her clients' interest in part to millennial fever.
But in the midst of this millennial fever, two new books have taken a sober view of technological promise and scientific exploration.
I told myself it's just more of the millennial fever we've been through recently.
The millennial fever that peaked a year or two ago with predictions of the death of virtually everything, classical music pointedly included, seems to have subsided.
And then there are the scads of radio stations and hotels that have been seeking to mix fun and promotion, millennial fever and pregnancy.
Trying to cash in on millennial fever?
Those who interpreted the millennial fever best did so with color and ingenious decoration.
"Rose" emerged from a burst of millennial fever on the playwright's part.
I'm not talking about the 2000's, the last great vintage, which benefited from millennial fever.
In one way this tale represents a novelist's version of millennial fever.