Perhaps they will draw some link between this boom in troubled reminiscence and millennial anxieties.
Although millennial anxieties seem to have fanned the flames of conspiracy thinking, paranoia itself in nothing new in American politics.
One of the things a millennium is supposed to be about is millennial anxiety.
Stripped of its superficial concern with millennial anxieties, it's the usual boy-meets-girl (or, in this instance, girl-meets-boy) stuff, given a sardonic twist.
(Ages 10 to 14) Smart kids feeling millennial anxiety?
His vignettes have plenty of dark corners, but they don't aspire like Mr. Gray's to capture the millennial anxieties of our time.
But given the general level of millennial anxiety, some guests made uneasy jokes about freezing in the post-midnight dark.
For many, the millennial anxieties amplified in the banner prognostications of 1999 proved much ado about nothing: same strut, same players, same stage.
As millennial anxiety goes, it's pretty small stuff, but I could still use a few tips.
That feeling matches the millennial anxiety in "Angels," which, though set in the mid-1980's and written shortly thereafter, could have been written after 9/11.