As unpopular as Mr. Perez has become, Venezuelans don't seem eager for a military-backed regime.
Pro-democracy movements converged on central Bangkok Sunday to mark the second anniversary of a May uprising which brought down Thailand's last military-backed regime.
The complex is owned by the Eisenmann family, which has opposed the military-backed regime.
By summer 1973, the military-backed regime had achieved most of its political tasks.
The country's suppressed opposition forces can mount no more than a modest political challenge to the military-backed regime at this point.
Today the military-backed regime, which has just dismissed its latest Prime Minister, thrashes about with no mandate, no coherent policies and no idea how to quell the violence.
As he was closely identified with Bangladesh's initial, Liberation War era administration Fateh was not favoured by the military-backed regimes which followed it.
He was the highest-ranking officer slain in nearly four years of fighting between the military-backed regime and rebels who want an Islamic state.
Or consider the work of independent news publications such as Irrawaddy, which report on the corrupt practices and atrocities of Burma's military-backed regime.
With Washington and Moscow talking compromise, a new military-backed regime in Islamabad could become an obstacle to an Afghanistan settlement.