Toward the end of the film, Klaatu is pursued by the military with orders that he be taken dead or alive.
Many civilians who had gathered to help were held back by the military with bayonets.
Common types used by the military with the carbine include:
The military, with its history of sudden intervention, is said to be fretting about a possible opposition victory.
I've served in the military with them and had them as my neighbors.
At this point a mob attacked the police and military with a volley of stones.
He was discharged from the military with honor on March 24, 1783.
It would be interesting to compare the "coming out" rate in the military with that on college campuses.
Among the distinctions of his command: It is the only one in the military with its own research and development budget.
As a result, civilians in turn view civic works by the military with suspicion.