Karel immediately recognized Rouk's style of fighting as one of the most basic taught to military trainees.
DND oversees training standards, provides Canadian military trainees, provides airspace, and dictates the syllabus.
Each year it makes awards to college students and military trainees.
'All military trainees, ' the speaker said.
In 2005, The total number of personnel was 10,600 which includes 5,500 military trainees (1,000 officer candidates, 1,300 NCO candidates and 3,200 airmans basic).
As a military trainee, he went to the Royal Police in Kiel.
The impact was an outrage among the Muslims in Mindanao especially those who are from Sulu where these military trainees were recruited.
The Japanese General Miura, who is a Karate master, establishes an arena where Chinese martial artists compete with his military trainees.
Some 2,000 military trainees added to crowded conditions on campus.
Up to 25% of school-aged children and military trainees and fighters experience some kind of dental trauma each year.