Nor is Congress likely to rescue India by lifting the economic and military sanctions that have now been imposed.
However, Iran faced technical setbacks with massive economic and military sanctions in place against her.
They called for a "new diplomacy", willing to accept military sanctions against aggressive countries.
"And I hope you'd be so kind as to consult with Congress before initiating any economic or military sanctions against China."
No major purchases of equipment had been made in recent years largely due to the decline of the economy and military sanctions experienced throughout the 1990s.
Four were tried and convicted in civilian courts, but still avoided any military sanction.
Economic and military sanctions were among these, but cultural and sporting boycotts also found their way in.
American officials acknowledge that with economic and military sanctions already in place, they have few other options.
But he warns that "determined cheaters may not be deterred without a credible threat of economic or military sanctions."
Noncompliance would result in US-imposed diplomatic, military and economic sanctions.