Were the motives for military restrictions on press coverage improper or irrational?
A century after Garibaldi's death the island was freed from the numerous existing military restrictions and is now completely open to the public.
Because of the military restrictions, only the middle third of Vieques is inhabited.
Riots and hard military restrictions continue to dominate the last resting place of Abraham.
He also tightened military restrictions on Palestinian society in hopes of ending the current conflict, which began roughly halfway through his four-year term.
Closer aerial examination was hampered by Iraqi military restrictions against using aircraft for photography.
The military enforced strict restrictions on civilian traffic until 1985, when the airport received national airport status.
The Army began to circumvent the military restrictions of the peace treaty before the ink on it was scarcely dry.
The Zambales provincial officials supported Gordon in this fight to be free of military restrictions.
Unfortunately, military restrictions in the neighbourhood mean it's closed in the evenings.