Public anxiety about further attacks and military reprisals is keeping people at home, with their wallets closed.
Participants in the White House meeting gave little consideration to any possibility of military reprisals for the mine, officials emphasized.
"Hand us 'em things an" there'll be no military reprisals "gainst that old lady with you."
Assassinations and other military reprisals risk not only creating more "terrorists" but also increasing public support for them.
Because of his words, the Israelis refrained from a direct military reprisal.
In addition to possible military reprisals, there are unpredictable political consequences.
It would permit Israel to respect the sovereignty of the Palestinian borders by avoiding military reprisals.
For example, we were recently alarmed once again by a dubious military reprisal in the federal state of Benue.
If they try to cut this embassy off," he said, "there will be a military reprisal, I promise you.
Such a finding could force the United States to consider a military reprisal.