Nadia longs to be part of the children's military regiment, and through her the film reveals how ruthlessly children are used.
When she and Mal grow older, they are both taken to fight in a military regiment called the First Army.
By this time, even some commanders of military regiments were accorded senatorial status.
The military regiment was created in 1708.
He joined a military regiment and was promoted to the rank of commander.
The infamous practice took all healthy seven year old boys from the care of their fathers and placed them in a rigorous military regiment.
"What the hell did you do to get two whole military regiments after you?"
This uniform approach also encouraged the loyalty and identification of warriors with their own distinctive military regiments.
This changed when they were both 22 years old, and a military regiment came to be camped near their estate.
He will see representatives including those from charities or military regiments.