It would have been an unprecedented abuse of power even if the war hadn't turned into a military and moral quagmire.
Some experts believe that the first step in the new agreement is what Pretoria really wants: disengagement from a military quagmire in Angola.
And Mr. Clinton's Republican critics have raised the specter of a military quagmire in Haiti.
But there is another more critical reason why the United States cannot afford to become involved in the political and military quagmire in which Ethiopia finds itself.
Somalia is not another Vietnam: America is not likely to get bogged down in a military quagmire.
It was a desperate - but toothless - cry of election-bound lawmakers to be let off the hook for a disastrous military quagmire.
No, Haiti is hardly Vietnam, not as a foe; not as a moral dilemma; probably not as a military quagmire.
With its grinding toll, the conflict in Chechnya has taken on all the features of a military quagmire.
But an increasing number of Russians worry that their nation has plunged into a military quagmire.
I am extremely concerned that Afghanistan will rapidly become one more military quagmire that sacrifices American lives and drains our funds.