Exiles say the military occupiers are remaking Kuwait in Iraq's image, plastering the image of President Saddam Hussein on buildings and on newly erected two-by-three-foot roadside signs.
Many Iraqis waiting outside the prison said it was an insult that their family members were kept under lock and key by their American military occupiers.
In an era when much of the world thinks of Israel as a provocative military occupier, the portrait of Grossman should remind people of the Israel that rarely makes it into the media.
"But it's not a mission where we can subordinate ourselves to the military occupiers," he said.
American military occupiers would effectively control the world's second largest proven oil reserves.
It is seen as a military occupier that supports democracy and free speech when they serve its interest, but suppresses both when they don't.
But that was just before the uprising - just before young Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza Strip were swept into daily stone-throwing protests against Israeli military occupiers.
After an initial few days of raping and looting, the best houses of the still intact bourgeois boroughs like this one had been commandeered for the military and political occupiers.
Whether the jackboot of a foreign military occupier has settled upon our lands is something is something I and any patriot cares a great deal about.
In this corner, we have the military occupier and oppressor.