Located in Fresno, California, the museum contains military memorabilia, artifacts, photographs, and official citations.
In December 1994, he presented his military memorabilia and artifacts to the National Museum of Ireland.
Some people collect the older issue entrenching tools as military memorabilia.
Displays include uniforms, medals, flags, regimental regalia, weapons and other military memorabilia.
The museum includes uniforms, weapons, artifacts and military memorabilia.
These include model planes, toy cars, dolls and military memorabilia like hats and medals.
People in the Morris Park neighborhood have contributed the military memorabilia that once belonged to their relatives.
What should she do with all his military memorabilia, she had asked Ronnie.
Artifacts include uniforms, medals, weapons, photographs and other military memorabilia.
Mr. Clancy points out that his house is not choked with military memorabilia.