Others questioned the sorry state of maintenance and the military incompetence that let a helicopter designed to carry 80 people take off with 147 on board.
Kublai realized that nature, not military incompetence, had been the cause of his forces' failure so, in 1281, he launched a second invasion.
After all, the demon-jester had raised military incompetence to a level of art not even a Frenchman could have rivaled.
However, the most common cases of "military incompetence" can be attributable to a flawed organisational culture.
The first one was accused not just of military incompetence but of stealing nearly $5,000 from the Continental Army.
At last count, 116 died in the crash, which was alternately blamed on a rebel rocket and military incompetence.
Several reviewers of his book nonetheless noted that he strongly criticized the army for military incompetence.
His inexperience and degree of military incompetence makes him something of a liability on occasion.
They displayed military incompetence, inconsistency, a lack of concrete actions.
It explains the military incompetence which has again and again startled the world.