Read about this essential leap forward in American military firepower on the next page.
The rebellion was eventually crushed by "considerable military firepower and at the cost of over 200 lives".
The expedition also prepared advanced weapons to display their military firepower.
But by almost every reckoning these costs will far exceed the extra spending on energy and military firepower.
It all comes down to Obama because, in the end, the US alone has the military firepower to stop Tehran in its tracks.
Yet despite the massive show of military firepower, Hunter found it all very frustrating.
Humans fail to subdue Cryspo with military firepower, and the Conflict occurs.
At the same time, the United States promised to spend $11 billion during the next five years to upgrade its military firepower in Korea.
The military firepower magnified each gunman's carnage.
He said the idea of storming Grozny was hardly attractive, since military firepower is not much use in a crowded city.