Russian and Chechen military commanders signed an agreement today committing them to a military disengagement in the ravaged capital of rebellious Chechnya.
"It will not be a military disengagement."
The military disengagement from the northern West Bank was completed ten days later.
Mr. Gorbachev has begun a dialogue with China that could turn hostility into military disengagement along their border.
You suggest steps Washington can take to assist, such as gradual military disengagement.
Not surprisingly, though, some officials fear that political and military disengagement from the third world by the superpowers could result in more rather than less violence.
Weighing his options, he decided he would back Senator Narviat's proposal of military disengagement when it came time to vote.
And in other details, the allies show a willingness to defer some issues in order to achieve early military disengagement.
Fifth, he states that coalition forces in Iraq should undergo a careful, deliberate military disengagement rather than an immediate withdrawal or an extended military presence.
Once agreement is reached on those points, under the plan, military disengagement will proceed.