When we had destroyed the Kaiser and a little military clique, the evil thing was removed and all good things came into flower.
The unified Beiyang military clique now attained its maximum extent of territorial control.
But in Bahrain, as across the Arab world, those pushing for democratic change want to end minority rule by a family, sect or a military clique.
A few of his military clique remained close, but they didn't dare come unbidden into this conversation with a pink senator.
You mean Chewning wasn't just a figurehead for Kirpal's military clique?
But many Algerians believe the killer acted at the behest of the military clique that effectively rules the country.
"He isn't part of their military clique," Rudenski countered.
I've heard of iron-fisted military cliques before, but this is madness!
The problem is that the military clique in power has so far been unmoved by and insensitive to any internal or international pressure.
The military cliques which have perpetrated the coup and are wielding power arbitrarily must be stopped.