But since he took full charge of Congo last month, disturbing reports of arbitrary rule and military brutality have emerged.
The Armenian opposition had used the website to publicize video of police and military brutality carried out against anti-government protesters.
"It was typical of the military brutality in my country," he said.
It's difficult to get Muslim peasants to open up about military brutality when seven soldiers with machine guns are guarding the perimeter during an interview.
It would be tragic if Mexico were to follow some of its neighbors down the path to military brutality and lawlessness.
"Come, let me take you away from all this sordid military brutality."
The A.P. said other refugees recounted military brutality.
He mediated numerous labor conflicts; but proved unable to control police and military brutality against striking workers.
Indeed, he used the bombing as cover for a long-prepared campaign of military and police brutality against Kosovo Albanian civilians.
Bombings and atrocities became routine; riots were used as an excuse for military brutality and takeover.