He is author of a series of highly popular books on military blunders that changed world history, translated into two dozen languages.
However, the organization was so poor, and the command was so superficial, that the attack resulted in a military blunder.
He begins to cunningly trick Hitler into making strategic military blunders.
Clearly uncomfortable and worried about how his commanders might react, he nonetheless described Russian military blunders, corroborating other reports.
The answer is a tangled web of good intentions gone awry, political miscalculations and military blunders.
This proved to be a spectacular military blunder.
This sounds like the kind of loosely designed operation that has led the United States into costly military blunders in the past decades.
Bergen characterized this as "one of the greatest military blunders in recent US history".
The air and helicopter strikes were a catastrophic blunder, both military and diplomatic.
And unless there's some horrible military blunder, I would expect support to endure long enough to get this done.