It starts with basic ideas such as military acronyms and rank structure, then progresses to more difficult topics such as how to handle a deployment.
A collector of military acronyms would love the Fort Buckner computer, but any sane person would be bored.
It is the edgy tension between these states that propels her narrative forward, even through passages swampy with military acronyms.
As the officers spewed military acronyms and a military lawyer tried explaining which rules applied to whom, the result was Washington's very own fog of war.
Military language also has differences from standard American English and is often peppered with military slang and military acronyms.
Her hard-bitten, tattooed beauty, her profanity, and the military acronym somehow complemented one another.
"Keep it simple, stupid" is a military acronym that weapons designers and generals often forget.
President Clinton calls the files flap a "snafu" - a military acronym politely rendered as "situation normal: all fouled up" - an honest mistake.
An even more radiant poem is "Fubar," from a military acronym best rendered in these pages as "fouled up beyond all repair."