When it came to protecting their rights, cloisters were dependent on the efforts of others since they themselves could not attack militarily.
A Soviet proposal for enhanced autonomy for Nagorno-Karabakh within Azerbaijan satisfied neither side, and Azerbaijan attacked militarily Nagorno-Karabakh which had no army at the moment.
Geagea continued a war of words saying "I did not expect you to reach such a low level and for you to call on your allies to militarily attack your Christian opponents.
If we attack militarily, we must use ground troops: As the Gulf War proved, air power alone won't cripple Iraq's forces and won't topple Saddam.
It is a repetition of what Teddy Roosevelt did when he militarily attacked following the separation of Panama from Colombia.
He has been accused of orchestrating every suicide mission against Israel, attacked militarily, cut off and ultimately isolated.
When Saddam Hussein militarily attacked Iran, the rest of the countries all supported him.
How about everyone stops kidding themselves that they can militarily attack Iran, stops listening to the usual rubbish from Netanyahu, who is legendarily dishonest and untrustworthy, and learns to deal with reality?