They hit militant positions near the town of Mir Ali.
After ordering all civilians to leave the area, government troops began pounding suspected militant positions with artillery.
The ethnic position is that of "tribalism", ethnocentric but opposed to the militant racist position.
When air support arrived and bombed three militant positions, it was estimated that 24 fighters were killed.
Later during the day, militants attacked a stadium near Zinjibar, from where the military was conducting attacks against militant positions.
American B-52 bombers then dropped bombs on the militant positions, bringing their estimated dead to 30, and effectively ending the battle.
They believed their militant position toward the whites was justified by the massacre.
Despite its militant ideological position, La Prensa does at times cooperate with authorities.
Israeli fighter jets fired on militant positions, causing a massive explosion, apparently from bombs being held by the militants.
With the onset of the Cold War, Communist parties everywhere moved to more militant positions.