But later the "tiny militant minority" vetoed that plan.
Beyond the militant minority, the inward-looking fundamentalists are by definition politically insignificant.
It's a minority, but a fervent and sometimes militant minority.
The militant socialist minorities were at each other 's throats and were completely disillusioned with the Labour Party.
Every embattled social movement faces a moment when a militant minority would lead it into more dramatic, confrontational directions.
But the authorities are clearly nervous about the potential for unrest by a militant minority.
The move has little to do with actually reducing abortion abroad and everything to do with obeisance to a militant political minority at home.
Unrest continued among the most militant national minorities, notably in the Baltic and in Poland.
We're dealing with a militant minority of determined, tough warriors, many of whom were trained by the Indian military and served in the army.
Bargouti, though, questioned the wisdom of imposing a collective punishment on all Palestinians for the actions of a militant minority.