The conflicts of armed states and their militant ideologies made the old Populist movement seem outmoded and even quaint.
Today, they say it functions largely as a loose network of local franchises linked by a militant Islamist ideology.
And it ends with art that the revolution produced: political posters inspired by both the Western counterculture and militant Islamic ideology.
Radical movements such as Taliban and al-Qaeda embrace militant Islamic ideology.
The Brown Berets, a youth group which began in California, took on a more militant and nationalistic ideology.
But the French took exception to something else: the book's militant ideology.
It adopted a militant ideology that called for armed struggle against Israel, with the eventual aim of reclaiming all of historic Palestine.
Here again, Mawdudi, who developed this idea in 1939, shared the same perspective as such militant ideologies as Marxism.
During the Afghan war in the 1980s we in the west supported Islamic militant ideology in order to oppose the spread of communism.
Sheik Ahmed Yassin, the spiritual leader of Hamas, said a cease-fire would mean "raising a white flag," which runs counter to his group's militant ideology.