The special triple mileage awards alone, he says, could cost the industry as much as $940 million this year by displacing paying passengers.
Holiday Inn started its new program Aug. 30, saying it was the first moderately priced chain to offer mileage awards.
The frequent flier may have paid cash or may be using a mileage award.
Then there's the matter of redeeming mileage awards for free airline tickets or other rewards.
Though some airlines have made it harder to accumulate mileage awards, in the cruise industry mileage redemptions are a new perk.
The first visit each month to a particular restaurant is eligible for the mileage award.
They simultaneously cut mileage awards for corporate and government customers to 250 for each rental, from 500.
True, travelers must pay first-class fares or cash in hefty mileage awards to get this level of concern for their welfare.
Returns on most of the airlines funds have been subpar, and many of the mileage awards, when an investor does the math, do not come cheap.
The airline also said it would double frequent-flier mileage awards on domestic flights.