The rig, identified as Penrod 83, is located about 60 miles south of Morgan City in the area of the Gulf known as Eugene Island, block 190.
Barely a mile to the west on Route 340, known locally as the Old Philadelphia Pike, is a modest wooden sign announcing "Quilts."
Which was within 10 miles of Axel Erlandson's famed circus trees, known at that time as The Lost World.
The town stretches for about five miles along the shore of Trinity Bay, also known as Bull Arm.
The final three miles of beach - known as Cerritos - begin just over a lagoon from the Camino Real Hotel.
The first 5.6 miles of the southern section, known as the South County Trailway, runs from Elmsford to Hastings-on-Hudson.
Then came an offer of land in the swampy jungle area 40 miles to the east of Calcutta, known as the Sandurbans.
In 1988-1989, the northern three miles (5 km) of the Dan Ryan, known as the Elevated Bridge, were completely reconstructed.
The two counties were separated by a so called 'no man's land' measuring six miles by one mile, known as "Bunkham's Strip" or "Buncombe Strip."
The city extends about five miles (8 km) west-southwest along U.S. Route 50, also known as Lake Tahoe Blvd.