One mile of I-75 was closed and travelers of this route were instructed to use a detour.
Further reductions of the systems were made, 4000 miles of line were closed between 1965 to 1973.
Four miles of city beach are now closed.
Some stretches are shut for environmental reasons, but two and a half miles are closed because there are not enough guards.
The former curriculum and courses unit situated some miles from Accra has been closed and its personnel transferred into the new division.
But it was not until the beginning of this month that its nine miles of tree-lined sidewalks were closed to foot traffic other than residents.
In Iowa, over 60 miles of primary highway have been closed for more than two months due to the flooding.
In late May, 35 miles of beach were closed because of algae and sludge that drifted onto the shores.
Two hundred miles of southern coastline have been closed off to form a zone prohibited to outsiders that reaches up to 60 miles into the desert.
Thousands of motorists were forced to endure hours of delay on the M25 yesterday when six miles of road were closed after a fatal crash.