Member accumulate points based on the airfare paid rather than on miles flown.
In the past month, Dooley leads the team in miles flown, with 28,819.
Yield is the amount passengers pay for each mile flown.
But it also asked about annual miles flown, and this is where the commotion began.
It took her 13 days to complete the flight The miles flown were 2,342.
But actual miles flown now account for only about 43 percent of miles awarded annually.
The Pentagon paid the airlines 8.5 cents a seat for each mile flown, a spokesman said.
The accident rate was 0.003 per million miles flown, down from 0.005 the year before.
Airlines have three or four elite-status levels, ranked by miles flown in any year.
It earned less money per mile flown and paid higher fuel prices.